Ticino Film Commission
18.10.2024 . News

Switzerland presents the ‘Winter Palace’ series at the MIA in Rome

The International Audiovisual Market also hosted a meeting between industry professionals organised in collaboration with Swiss Films, Ticino and Valais Film Commission, RSI and SSR/SRG

Following last year's participation, the Ticino Film Commission returned to the MIA, the International Audiovisual Market in Rome (14 - 18 October), this time together with the Swiss film promotion agency Swiss Films, the Valais Film Commission and RSI and SRG SSR.


The focal point of this year's Swiss presence at the prestigious Italian event dedicated to audiovisual professionals was the presentation of the series ‘Winter Palace’, directed by Pierre Monnard, the first co-production between Netflix and Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS). Set at the end of the 19th century and filmed in Valais with the support of the Valais Film Commission, the series tells the story of the establishment of luxury hotels in the Swiss Alps and was one of the seven entries in the official selection of GREENlit 2024, the MIA showcase dedicated to the most highly anticipated Italian and international serial products, on 18 October at 11.00 am at the Cinema Barberini.


After the presentation, there was a lunch and a meeting between industry professionals organised in collaboration between Swiss Films, Ticino Film Commission, Valais Film Commission, RSI and SSR SSR, a chance for networking and exchange between the Swiss audiovisual industry and that of Italy and worldwide.


‘Already last year,’ underlines Lisa Barzaghi, operations manager of the Ticino Film Commission, ‘with our first participation in the MIA we focused on consolidating relations with Italian productions, for which our region has particular advantages in terms of language, geographical proximity, range of locations and the reliability of its professionals. Out of this relationship, which has great potential for development, came the series ‘Citadel: Diana', produced by Cattleya and Amazon MGM Studios, fresh from its debut on Prime Video and filmed also in Ticino, is just the latest example. Returning to the MIA this year, with the presence of other important players on the Swiss audiovisual scene, was definitely a further step in this direction." 


Rounding up the Swiss entries at MIA is director Petra Volpe's new series ‘Dolce Amelia’, presented as a work-in-progress as part of the Drama Co-Production Market & Pitching Forum 2024.

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Ticino Film Commission, PalaCinema Via F. Rusca 1, CP 20, 6601 Locarno
T +41 91 751 19 75 | info@ticinofilmcommission.ch

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