Ticino Film Commission

You bring the story

We find the location

The Ticino Film Commission is the competence and promotion center for film and audiovisual production in general in Italian-speaking Switzerland.

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You bring the story

We find the location

The Ticino Film Commission is the competence and promotion center for film and audiovisual production in general in Italian-speaking Switzerland.

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Find out about the productions

filmed in the in Southern Switzerland.

La nomina del nuovo membro in rappresentanza del Locarno Film Festival sottolinea la centralita della messa in rete di tutti gli attori dell'audiovisivo sul territorio
L'anteprima del film, sabato 30 novembre a Locarno, si inserisce anche nella campagna nazionale "16 giorni contro la violenza fondata sul genere"
Ciak in Ticino
Concluse recentemente le riprese della trasposizione audiovisiva dello spettacolo teatrale firmata dalla regista ticinese Agnese Làposi

We welcome and support audiovisual productions in Southern Switzerland and we promote the region as a location, and center of expertise, for film and for any form of audiovisual production. We also provide financial incentives for films.

!!!    HIGHLIGHT   Airolo Film Fund   !!!

INCENTIVES   Financial incentives and free services

NEWSLETTER   Sign up now and be the first to receive all the latest news

They chose Ticino



Special Incentives

Ticino Film Commission, PalaCinema Via F. Rusca 1, CP 20, 6601 Locarno
T +41 91 751 19 75 | info@ticinofilmcommission.ch

© 2024 Ticino Film Commission | Website: redesign.swiss