Ticino Film Commission


What we do

We support audiovisual projects in Ticino and we promote the region as a location, and competence center, for film and for any form of audiovisual production.

The Ticino Film Commission supports film and audiovisual production in Ticino and promotes the region as a location. It is a non-profit foundation, established in 2014 thanks to the public financial support of the Department of Finance and Economy of the Republic and Canton of Ticino. Its founding members are Ticino Turismo, the Associazione film e audiovisivi Ticino (AFAT), the Gruppo registi e sceneggiatori indipendenti della Svizzera italiana (GRSI of ARF/ FDS) and the Locarno Film Festival. Main financial backers are Banca Stato, Ticino Turismo and the Regional Tourism Organisations of Canton Ticino.


Thanks to an enthusiastic and competent team, it attracts and accompanies audiovisual productions aiming to enhance the area's cultural, landscape and historical heritage in order to increase visibility and at the same time to create new job opportunities and growth for local professionals. In addition, the TFC supports the local audiovisual industry by supporting productions on a practical level, distributing works and creating opportunities for meetings, exchanges and training for professionals. The TFC offers consultancy as well as financial, logistical and organisational support to any audiovisual production interested in operating in the region, scouting and proposing different types of interesting and unique locations, promoting local service companies and facilitating contacts with public and private bodies for the granting of authorisations, permits and the availability of facilities.


Ten years after its inception, the TFC has become the competence centre for audiovisual creation in Italian-speaking Switzerland and is now an indispensable link in the chain of the regional and national film industry.

A regional economic policy project promoted by the Department of Finance and Economy (DFE) of the Republic and Canton of Ticino.


Since 2015...

18 Mio


million francs of direct expenditure into the local economy by the productions


180 +

completed projects in Ticino 

with our support


number of direct overnight stays generated

by productions in the region

12'000 +

Operational staff

Niccolò Castelli




Tel. +41 91 751 19 76


Fabrizio Coli

Communication, Press and Film Promotion


Press inquiries:


Tel. +41 91 751 19 76

Lisa Barzaghi

Operations Manager



Tel. +41 91 751 19 75

Lola Rossier

Film commissioner



Tel. +41 91 751 19 75



Financial incentives coordinator



Tel. +41 91 751 19 76



Patricia Campiglia

Web and social media manager



Tel. +41 91 751 19 75


Claudio Franscella

Chairman (appointed by the founding members)


Michela Pini

Vice-President (member representing AFAT - Associazione Film Audiovisivi Ticino)


Alessandra Gavin-Müller

Member (representing GRSI - Gruppo Registi e Sceneggiatori Svizzera italiana)


Simona Gamba

Member (representing Locarno Film Festival)


Kaspar Weber

Member (representing Ticino Turismo)


Elena Tatti

Member (professional network Switzerland)




Special Incentives

Ticino Film Commission, PalaCinema Via F. Rusca 1, CP 20, 6601 Locarno
T +41 91 751 19 75 | info@ticinofilmcommission.ch

© 2024 Ticino Film Commission | Website: redesign.swiss