Ticino Film Commission
26.06.2024 . Concorso

Film writing residencies awarded for the fourth time at Casa Pantrovà

This year's winners are Ticino directors Vanja Victor Tognola and Enea Zucchetti and German-born author Lena von Döhren

Photo: pexels.com

By unanimous verdict of the jury, young Ticino directors Vanja Victor Tognola with "Afterbytes" and Enea Zucchettiwith "I sogni degli animali" together with German-born filmmaker Lena von Döhren with "Bats and Bugs" are the winners of the Casa Pantrovà 2024 residencies. To the first two go the residencies for screenplay writing in Italian while to von Döhren goes the residency dedicated to cinema for young people, in honour of children's writers Kurt Kläber and Lisa Tetzner.


In addition to being able to devote themselves to writing their projects over a period of four weeks - from 29 July to 26 August - in the setting of Casa Pantrovà in Carona, the winners will be able to take advantage of the concurrent Locarno Film Festival. For the Locarno Residency, this year Enea Zucchetti's project has been chosen, and he will then have the opportunity to present his submission to a jury of three film industry personalities called upon to choose the participants in a mentoring course of several sessions organised online and in person over the course of a year.


The two winners of the residencies for screenplays in Italian will also be able to participate in the Pitching Day organised by the Ticino Film Commission.


Lena von Döhren, on the other hand, will be invited to present her project at the next edition of Castellinaria Festival del cinema giovane and to meet professionals from the particular field of children's cinema.


Once again this August, meetings will be organised in Carona in order to share the ongoing experience among guests, cultural professionals and the public.


The Casa Pantrovà residencies are a project promoted and supported by the City of Lugano, Casa della Letteratura per la Svizzere italiana, Ticino Film Commission and the Department of education, culture and sport of Canton Ticino (DECS), in partnership with Castellinaria Festival del cinema giovane, Gruppo registi e sceneggiartori della Svizzera italiana, and the Locarno Film Festival.

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Ticino Film Commission, PalaCinema Via F. Rusca 1, CP 20, 6601 Locarno
T +41 91 751 19 75 | info@ticinofilmcommission.ch

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