Ticino Film Commission
07.06.2024 . Events

The role of Film Commissions and the wealth of locations in our country

These were the themes at the heat of the two panels held at the Marché du Film in Cannes, which can be watched here

The "Film Commissions, Beyond Locations" panel at MDF 2024

The activity of Film Commissions and the possibilities of co-production in our country. The wealth of our locations, those both iconic and those lesser known. Last month at the Marché  du Film in Cannes, the largest event dedicated to film professionals, these were the general themes at the heart of two panels in which the Ticino Film Commission participated.


The first, Film Commissions, Beyond Locations - The Role of Film Commissions in the Landscape of International Co-Productions, was organised by the TFC together with the Valais Film Commission, EUFCN(European Film Commission Network) and Swiss Films and featured Julia Krättli (Zürich Film Fund), Lisa Barzaghi (Ticino Film Commission), Tristan Albrecht (Valais Film Commission), Carlo Cresto-Dina (Tempesta Film) and Dino Malacarne (Film Commission Zurich), with Venia Vergou (EUFCN) as moderator.


The second panel discussion, Dispelling Location Stereotypes: Switzerland was held as part of AFCI's Global Film Commission Network Summit and was organised by AFCI (Association of Film Commissioners International) together with Ticino Film Commission, Valais Film Commission and Film Commission Zurich. The speakers were Nicolas Burlet (producer of the film Sauvages), Michela Pini (producer), Niccolò Castelli (Ticino Film Commission), Dino Malacarne (Film Commission Zurich), with Gabriela Geisinger (Screen International and KFTV) moderating.


You can watch both panels at the following links:


Film Commissions, Beyond Locations - The Role of Film Commissions in the Landscape of international Co-Productions


Dispelling Stereotypes: Switzerland

Enjoy watching!


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Ticino Film Commission, PalaCinema Via F. Rusca 1, CP 20, 6601 Locarno
T +41 91 751 19 75 | info@ticinofilmcommission.ch

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