The Ticino Film Commission will continue to work for the benefit of the cinema and the economy of the Canton of Ticino, thanks to a new legal framework that guarantees its long-term operation. In addition, a renewed support network for audiovisual x production, in particular with the world of tourism and BancaStato, will increase the attractiveness of the Canton of Ticino in the film industry.
Presented today, 10 February 2023, at a press conference at the BancaStato headquarters in Bellinzona, were new measures in favour of locally active facilities in the audiovisual, tourism, services, media and trade sectors. In keeping with its public mandate to support the local economy, Banca dello Stato del Cantone Ticino launches its entry into the world of cinema. For their part, the organisations active in promoting tourism in Ticino and the Ticino Film Commission are further consolidating their relations in the area of regional promotion.
Launched in 2014 as a regional economic policy pilot project, in eight years of operation the Ticino Film Commission has brought tangible economic, social and cultural benefits. The report on the activities and the year just ended, presented today, confirms the foundation's role as a centre of competence and coordination between the numerous local entities and audiovisual production.
During the press conference, light was also shed on the first national television series made entirely in Ticino, whose shooting will take place from February to April 2023 in the Bellinzona region.
Photo © Massimo Pedrazzini, (from left):
Fabrizio Cieslakiewicz, President of the Executive Board of BancaStato, Christian Vitta, State Councillor and Director of the Department of Finance and Economy, Angelo Trotta, Director of Ticino Turismo, Amel Soudani, Producer and Owner of Amka Films Productions, Nicola Pini, President of the Ticino Film Commission, Niccolò Castelli, Director of the Ticino Film Commission. Painting by Ticino artist Lisa Lurati.