In a talent academy governed by strict rules, aspiring musicians, dancers, and singers pursue their dream of becoming show business stars. This is what happens in Stars, a feature film made in Ticino which, after a long gestation, now comes to cinemas.
It all started five years ago, from the idea of Paolo Meneguzzi, director of the Pop Music School and film producer together with Alberto Meroni of INMAGINE SA. Mostly talents from the Ticino took part in Stars - although there were also a few names, such as the Italian actress Cristina Donadio (Scianel from the series 'Gomorra') - with a cast and crew totaling over one hundred people. For many young professionals from Ticino, the film was an opportunity to gain that ever-important first experience.
One such talent is Anna Spacio, the director of Stars. Born in 1995, and trained at CISA, Anna is making her feature film directing debut. We interviewed her to let her tell us about her experience.
«I graduated from CISA with a specialization in directing in 2018," Anna says. «I was on holiday with my classmates when I received a phone call from Alberto Meroni proposing that I make the film. We were all incredulous. It was quite a thunderbolt! At first, I thought there were connection problems because I didn't seem to understand Alberto's proposal, which was about a musical film. I thought it was a video clip, but it was actually a feature film he was proposing. That's when it all started for me. His and Paolo Meneguzzi's idea was that of a youthful project, from the point of view of the cast and crew, to give space to young people from Ticino who were entering the world of cinema. I was finishing school that year, so... In the film I also found several of my classmates playing important roles.»
From there, things got underway, starting with an extensive casting that involved around 300 people...
«People from all over Ticino took part in the casting call: people with experience, people who had already done acting courses, people who had already done dance or singing, but also people who’d had no training but a great desire to get involved. There were so many young people who participated. The age range was also quite wide: there were children as young as 11 and young people of 20, and 25. Then a selection was made from which emerged the cast of some twenty actors, resulting in a dance troupe of around forty, some of whom did both. This group was then followed by the Pop Music School, which took care of the film preparation project.»
When did you start shooting?
«The project started in 2018. We were scheduled to shoot in July 2020 but, like everyone else, we were stopped by the pandemic. Our choice was to postpone for a whole year, as our cast was made up of young people of study age and summer was the only time they could be available for a whole month. The filming all took place in Ticino, mainly in Mendrisiotto. The villa where the Stars school was set, i.e. the main location, is Villa Foresta in Mendrisio. Other sets were in Chiasso, in the railway sheds, and in Balerna. Instead, the finale contest was filmed at the Centro Esposizioni Conza in Lugano. It was six weeks of filming, about 27 actual days.»
The involvement of local talent was extensive, and not only in terms of the cast. How large was the crew?
«I went to check because depending on the day the numbers varied. But consider that a minimum of 45-50 people per day were there. On days when more staff were needed and we had double rooms, there were even 60-70 people. Interns from CISA were also involved, who were essential in all departments: photography, production, organization, direction... For them, it was their first experience on a feature film and they found themselves inside a project that was not easy, simply because of the amount of people to manage. Obviously, however, the film wasn't just made by the young, because it also needed an experienced hand. Like, for example, the photography, which was entrusted to Giacomo Jaeggli who, although still young, already has a wealth of experience. Or Marco Viale, with a ten-year career behind him, who did the sound design. In a project of this kind, you find yourself with people who really give you a lot. It was also a training experience for me. It was my first feature film. I had already made a few short films, but certainly nothing like the amount of work a film requires. It was a huge leap. It was very important for me to have experienced professionals to help me. Two acting coaches took care of everyone both during preparation and shooting; Alberto Barbi and Eleonora Giovanardi, two Italian actors. We would end up with scenes that took twenty actors, maybe ten with lines and action. So, to give directions on set, we would divide the tasks: I was on some, Alberto on some, and Eleonora on others. It was really a 200% team effort.»
Coming to the story. Judging by the subject matter, we are in the neighborhood of 'Saranno Famosi (Fame)'. What were your references?
«Yes, those were the references, so not a 'Mary Poppins' musical, but a musical film like 'Fame' or, maybe something more recent, 'Step Up', a film in which music is at the center as a theme: music, dancing, singing, everything. The plot sees the students of a very strict talent-training school, run by a rather ruthless headmistress, having to deal with a series of rigid rules, one of which is not to fall in love. Halfway through the year, a new student arrives, a little more rebellious, who throws this whole discipline into crisis. Obviously, there is great competition among the students. Rules, competition, and the hunger to win the final contest that brings them success: I find these are ingredients that create a strong conflict. Then in the film, there are also other themes, perhaps less present at the level of the actual plot but perceptible nonetheless: they are the more insidious ones, which concern the abuse of power in the world of recording or in general in an environment where there are young people with ambition and a great desire to succeed but also someone who takes advantage of them. The screenplay is by Fernando Coratelli. I was fortunate enough to be able to spend a lot of time with the young people during rehearsals and observing them, something I think is very useful, especially if they are teenagers. You ask yourself, what would they say or do in a given situation? During rehearsals, I would take notes and then we would work on the script: some characters ended up having traits in common with the person playing them. This facilitated the work of interpretation.»
Visually, how has all this been translated?
«On the one hand, there is the school, where there is a high degree of severity, a strict discipline. On the other, the kids have moments where they shake off this discipline. So, with Giacomo Jaeggli, we wanted to make a clear distinction between the two worlds and we opted for a more static, more composed, and more precise shot for what concerns the school, and vice versa for something more animated and even closer for everything that is outside the rules: the camera behaves a bit like the students, when it is in the school it follows rules, guidelines, when it is outside the school it does not.»
After this long experience, what are your feelings and what plans do you have?
«It's nice to get to the end of the credits and be able to say: there! We did it! It's something that gives a stimulus for other projects, other productions. I hope to work again with these people who have given me so much. I am now writing a short film, but it has all the prerequisites to become a feature film and maybe it will become one. And then I also have the subject for a TV series in the drawer. I would like to shoot both in Ticino. They are embryonic projects at the moment, but yes, I do have future projects!»
After several premieres, 'Stars' makes its theatrical debut on Sunday 3 September 2023. The film is produced by INMAGINE SA and Pop Music School in co-production with RSI and with the support of CISA (Conservatorio Internazionale di Scienze Audiovisive), Ufficio Federale della Cultura, DECS, Banca Stato, Ticino Film Commission and Corriere del Ticino.
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